Complimentary 5 Step Assessment For
Turning Your Idea Into A Reality

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The Serial I is for people with ideas that they never knew how to actually turn it into something tangible. Our goal is to take that idea you have in the back of your brain out, dust it off and help you get it to market. Come join us!

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Complimentary 5 Step Assessment For Turning Your Idea Into A Reality


Just submit your email and we'll send you the assessment instantly. This will help you figure out where you are in your Invention Journey and what to do next!
Not convinced? Check out what our CEO has to say below:

Meet The Serial i CEO
Walter Wolanske!

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Don't Let Your Brilliant Idea Fade Away
Subscribe to The Serial I today and make your product dream a reality.

Walter Wolanske
Serial Inventor
The Serial I

Join The Serial I Army!

Your privacy is important to us. We will never share or sell your information.